As we thought about primitive lifestyles and conducted research on structures over the times,
we were amazed by the figurative force and beauty that emanated from them.
This was our way of leaving a mark in our contemporary lifestyle.

The most primitive of dwellings for mankind were the ones making use of whatever landscape and formation nature provided.
Formations of multiple rocks leaning against each other were useful enough as a roof over their heads, which was comfortably open to the outside world, while still providing ample security.
The most primitive form of shelter (as a place to sleep) made by mankind was a truss-like piece running across with a series of branches braced against it for support.
Ancient men must have gradually learnt the rules of dynamics as time went by.

The easiest way to build a home in the woods is to erect long pieces of straight timber crossing at the top, to be bound together to form a conic shape.
The cone is the best way to achieve sufficient wind resistance and is most effective in getting the largest possible floor space with the smallest of surfaces.
In times when pre-cut timber was not available, people had to come up with many different solutions to create surfaces utilizing logs for their walls and floors.
Wind-breaking walls and rafts are good examples, but what attracted us was the whole beauty in the texture and the contrast formed when wood was bound together.
In warmer and dryer regions, houses and tombstones were made using adobe bricks.
Later on, the block shaped material such as bricks have been passed on to contemporary times while the strength and material had been updated over the years. However, its shape has not changed a great deal.
It proves to be the most minimal shape we can achieve and the best way for “stacking” things.
Totem poles are basically crests carved on to a column, where a certain clan or a group of people closely bonded recount their myths and legends that had been passed on through generations.
We wondered if there was a specific reason to stack the motifs on top of each other.
There is a technique called “Tsugite”, which describes an artisanal skill used for restoring and reinforcing things such as wooden columns.
It has a practical quality where strength and stability can be achieved when certain parts are locked together, and we found that there is a uniquely Japanese spirit and beauty in how things are joined together.
In ancient times, when tribes from milder climates that did not have the culture to settle in one place, built simple houses with roofs made of collected branches and leaves.
They must have enjoyed their lifestyle, as layers of light shone in through the cracks between the branches and leaves laid on top.
Photo by Hiroshi Nakamura